Welcome to the website of acclaimed British author Julie Morrigan.
Variously described as a crime author, Brit Grit writer – and even 'the new queen of urban noir' – Julie's short stories have been printed in respected magazines such as Bullet, Out of the Gutter and Blink Ink, in anthologies including The Tobacco-Stained Sky and True Brit Grit, and online at such venues as A Twist of Noir, Thrillers Killers & Chillers, Powder Burn Flash, Pulp Metal, At the Bijou and Darkest Before the Dawn.
Julie's first short story collection, Gone Bad, and her first novel, Convictions, were met with acclaim from readers worldwide – both appeared in a Grift Magazine readers' survey of the best books of 2011, while Convictions was voted as one of the top five books of the year by crime and thriller fans at the Crime Fiction Lover website. Convictions has since achieved bestseller status, spending a number of weeks in Amazon's UK Top 100 Bestsellers chart.
The past couple of years have seen the publication of Julie's second novel, Heartbreaker, and a selection of weird tales in The Writing on the Wall. Gritty short story collections Show No Mercy and Wired were followed by Bad Times, which collects in a single volume all of the author's short crime fiction to date. Never one to be bound by genre, Julie's latest novel is Darke, the twisted tale of stage magician who has sealed a pact with the Devil.
A brutal new crime novella, Cutter's Deal, was published in summer 2013 by Byker Books, as part of its popular 'Best of British' series.
Variously described as a crime author, Brit Grit writer – and even 'the new queen of urban noir' – Julie's short stories have been printed in respected magazines such as Bullet, Out of the Gutter and Blink Ink, in anthologies including The Tobacco-Stained Sky and True Brit Grit, and online at such venues as A Twist of Noir, Thrillers Killers & Chillers, Powder Burn Flash, Pulp Metal, At the Bijou and Darkest Before the Dawn.
Julie's first short story collection, Gone Bad, and her first novel, Convictions, were met with acclaim from readers worldwide – both appeared in a Grift Magazine readers' survey of the best books of 2011, while Convictions was voted as one of the top five books of the year by crime and thriller fans at the Crime Fiction Lover website. Convictions has since achieved bestseller status, spending a number of weeks in Amazon's UK Top 100 Bestsellers chart.
The past couple of years have seen the publication of Julie's second novel, Heartbreaker, and a selection of weird tales in The Writing on the Wall. Gritty short story collections Show No Mercy and Wired were followed by Bad Times, which collects in a single volume all of the author's short crime fiction to date. Never one to be bound by genre, Julie's latest novel is Darke, the twisted tale of stage magician who has sealed a pact with the Devil.
A brutal new crime novella, Cutter's Deal, was published in summer 2013 by Byker Books, as part of its popular 'Best of British' series.
'Julie Morrigan writes hard first rate noir. She writes with a narrative immediacy that takes you straight to the story and lets it unfold with realism and menace. Her use of physical detail heightens the sense that the reader is about to see something nasty.'
— Richard Godwin, author of 'Apostle Rising'
'Simply put, Julie Morrigan is one of the finest writers I've come across in the past couple of years. And I’m talking about ALL writers – indie and traditional. Her books have been kicking six kinds of ass from one end of the world to the next.'
— Dani Amore, author of 'Death by Sarcasm'
'Her style is gritty, straight to the gut, and no-nonsense. After a read of one of her shorts, you almost feel violated yourself. Keep in mind, this is not your grandma's kind of reading, and I don't suspect the local church group will come a callin' any time soon for any author nights, but she ain't writing for the moral majority.'
— Sean Patrick Reardon, author of 'Mindjacker'
'There are some writers who you know will go on to be hugely successful. They have that little something in their writing that you know will have you coming back again and again. That indefinable spark of the storyteller that all writers aspire to attain. Some have it naturally ... Julie Morrigan is just such a writer.'
— Darren Sant, author of 'Tales from the Longcroft'
'Morrigan displays a versatility often lacking in the works of more established authors.'
— Leon Steelgrave, author of 'White Vampyre'