Thanks to Amazon’s KDP Select programme, my books really took off this year. In total around 60,000 copies have found their way into the hands of readers since January. For me, that’s hugely exciting.
I’m hoping that with new releases in the pipeline, the second half of the year will be even more successful.
As to what's next, I’m currently working on both full length novels and short stories. The next novels to be published will be Darke and Street Magick. The first is about a stage magician who traded his soul for special powers, but now wants it back, and the second is about a battle between the forces of good and evil, and graffiti. (I’m a huge fan of graffiti.)
I’ve also got a few new short stories in the works. A couple in particular aren’t for the faint-hearted — one features barbed wire and the other razor wire — but they are good fun. In a painful, murderous kind of way.

Steven Miscandlon who, for his sins, is my editor, has himself just recently published a collection of short fiction. Into The Shadows is a terrific blend of dark shadows and darker deeds ... and it's only 77p/99c.
Into The Shadows has also got one of the coolest covers in Christendom. See more here: Steven Miscandlon Book Design.

Oh, and while we’re on the subject of books and stories, Heartbreaker will be free on Amazon for the next two days (28th and 29th June). If you fancy a rock ’n’ roll read, grab it while it’s free. Thanks!