His stories can be found in many ezines and anthologies, he's a regular contributor to Byker Books' Radgepacket series, and he has recently published a collection of tales as an ebook (Brit Grit - see my two penn'orth here). Paul has also established the Drunk on the Moon series of short stories, featuring werewolf PI Roman Dalton. There's more, too. Much more. (Links below.) So, over to you, Paul.
13 Shots Of Noir (published by Untreed Reads) is 13 short, sharp stories of booze, bullets & bodies. It starts with a Tut and ends with a Thump.
How long did it take you to complete?
It's a collection of some of the stories that I've written over the last three years. A veritable cornucopia of crimes!
What's your favourite part of the creative process?
Editing. It's when the day dreaming starts to seem more solid.
How much difference does an editor make?
Always a good thing, sometimes a great thing.
Very. Stairway To South Shields just doesn't have the same ring, does it?
How important is a good cover?
I like 'em!
What are your views on e-books?
I usually squint, after a bit.
How do you feel about reviews?
I only like good reviews and not just of my stuff.
It's like Oddball said in Kelly's Heroes: 'Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?'
Where do you find out about new books?
The interweb
What are you reading now?
Allan Guthrie's Two-Way Split is almost done (brilliant) & I'm gagging to start Gerard Brennan's The Point
What are you currently working on?
An action film. In book form. And bits of stuff.
My blog, You Would Say That, Wouldn't You?
Other than writing/being published, do you have a claim to fame?
I can't tell you that! I have a lawyer friend downtown ...
What would your epitaph be?
'Well, I finished something!'