February was such a great month that I figured it was worth doing a quick round-up of some of the highlights.
PaulBrazill, author of 13 Shots of Noir and Drunk on the Moon (soon to be released by Dark Valentine Press) had me over at his place for a short, sharp interview.
PaulBrazill, author of 13 Shots of Noir and Drunk on the Moon (soon to be released by Dark Valentine Press) had me over at his place for a short, sharp interview.

Heartbreaker got an amazing new review from Richard Godwin, author of the dark, deeply disturbing (and excellent) debut novel Apostle Rising. He said: ‘Morrigan has taken a myth, a myth that applies to many rock bands, and made it her own. In her tight structured prose, her razor dialogue, her observed humour and her strong evocation of what the price of fame is, she has written a story full of human drama. The title fits the novel perfectly. I cannot recommend this highly enough.’
(Richard’s second novel Mr Glamour is to be published soon. More on that in a few weeks.)

Gone Bad hit a Goodreads Best Noir of the 21st Century list.
It's also in a Spinetingler poll of the best crime books of 2011. First round voting ends at midnight tonight. (Hint hint!)
And just the other day I was lucky enough to be interviewed by Dani Amore over at her blog. Dani is an excellent and highly prolific author and she popped in here recently for a Q&A.